Personal Services & Care All Categories... Funeral & Cremation ServicesHealth & Beauty ServicesLaundromat go Results Found: 5 Button group with nested dropdown Rawley Resort, Spa, and Marina Inc. Rawley Resort, Spa, and Marina Inc. 2900 Kelly's Road Port Severn ON L0K 1S0 (705) 538-2272 Kabin Kuts Kabin Kuts 135 Port Severn Road North Port Severn ON L0K 1S0 (705) 538-0141 Coldwater Funeral Home Coldwater Funeral Home 22 Sturgeon Bay Road Coldwater ON L0K 1E0 (705) 686-3344 Coldwater Dental Office Coldwater Dental Office 12 Sturgeon Bay Road Coldwater ON L0K 1E0 (705) 686-3368 Severn Suds Ltd Severn Suds Ltd 40 Lone Pine Rd Port Severn ON L0K 1S0 (705) 528-8219